Most areas of the UK have a monthly area meeting of like minded 7 owners or enthusiasts. Pop along to one to meet others, tyre kick and see lots of cars - list of locations and meetings can be found on the L7Club homepage - here.

For a map, click here!
The inevitable line up! Summer evening meets can see over 40 cars turn up and take over the car park!
The Surrey meet is the one that we attend most regularly. Although it is a reasonable drive from us it is attended by many people we know, is in a nice setting and does good food - reasons enough!

Actually looks clean here - and the tires have a reasonable amount of tread on them...wow!
The Surrey meet is set in beautiful countryside - this is the view (over the road) from the pub garden.
One of the few pictures from the Annual and notorious Surrey Christmas meal, 2003. There was once food on this table, now it has been replaced by ½ ton of confetti and plastic toys!

We have only been here once so far, on this glorious spring afternoon.
Most people remained in the car park all afternoon chattingand kicking tires with fellow enthusiasts.
Peter & Rosina arrive in their beautiful 7, with REAL gold plated fittings!

Yes, that is us, Angus & Tessa reflected in this rare all aluminium 7's nose cone.
The fear of knocking this beautiful nose cone must be great!
Note the non-alcoholic drink on my scuttle.
A table was placed in the car park for those eating full meals.
Beautiful Lotus 7

From one extreme...
...to another! All are welcome.

There are some passionate polishers in the Penn Seven mob!

Variation on the straight line up.
Off again until the next meet...

Not a 7 Club meet, but it was only ½ mile from our front door. Here we are parked next to Bongo's SV amongst countless TVR's and Ferrari's. Thanks to Bongo for the pictures.
Mike's famous pink furry nose coned SV attracted plenty of attention!
I shall add to this section as we attend more meetings and take pictures!